Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.Thomas Edison (American inventor)

Overview of HKDSE

The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Examination, or HKDSE, is a public examination for the new academic structure. The new academic structure implemented since 2009. After completing the 3-year senior secondary curriculum (S.4 to S.6), the student may attend the HKDSE. The attained results are essential for applying the 4-year bachelor degree or 2-year sub-degree programmes through JUPAS or E-APP, or choosing other development paths. To know more, please visit: Introduction to HKDSE or HKDSE - Pathways to further studies

Summary of official press releases

From HKEAA, EDB, JUPAS, E-APP and Last update at {{}}-{{update.month}}-{{update.year}} {{update.hour}}:{{update.min}}. To know more, please visit: Official press releases about HKDSE

Statistics of HKDSE


Entered subjects

Candidates’ results and post-secondary places

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