2024 JUPAS Programme Search

Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) is the main route for HKDSE candidates to apply for the local full-time post-secondary programmes. To know more, please visit: HKDSE - Introduction to JUPAS and application procedure

To know how to select and prioritize the JUPAS programmes, please visit: HKDSE - Strategies of JUPAS selection and prioritization

[1] Tuition fee would be adjusted every year. Please notice the announcement of the official web sites. For the SSSDP or NMTSS programmes, the subsidy has not been deducted from the listed amount.

[2] “Offer chance” indicates the possibility of obtaining an offer from the JUPAS programme. It is estimated by calculating the score from the exam results entered in “My HKDSE”, according to the scoring system and subject weightings of the programme, and comparing with the admission scores in the past years. More the star symbols, higher is the possibility of obtaining an offer. The highest possibility is indicated by 5 stars. Interview, test and other non-academic performances are not considered in the estimation. The estimated possibilities are for reference only, and are regardless of the actual offer results. We do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the offer possibility estimation. To know more, please visit: Algorithm for inferring the offer chances of JUPAS programmes

[3] Because of the differences of scoring methods of the programmes, e.g. number of subjects and weightings, the admission scores of different programmes are not comparable. We normalised the admission scores disclosed by the institutions as “Admission Score Index” with the differences of scoring methods eliminated so that the admission scores of the programmes can be easily compared. The maximum value of the index is 7. It can be interpreted as the average points of the counted subjects. Note that the index is a generalised representation of the admission scores. The respective programmes may specify required results of the specified HKDSE subjects. Moreover, HKDSE result is not the sole factor affecting whether the application is successful or not. Competitiveness of the programmes, performance at interviews or test, order of JUPAS programme choices, candidates’ Student Learning Profile, other non-academic achievements, etc. are also important factors. Some programmes have no Admission Score Index because they are firstly offered and hence no admission scores of the past years; or the institutions do not disclose the admission scores.

[4] Half of the HKDSE candidates getting admissions to the programme had the results below the median score, while another half above the median score.

[5] One-fourth of the HKDSE candidates getting admissions to the programme had the results below the lower quartile score, while the other three-fourth above the lower quartile score.

[6] Band A competition ratio is calculated by dividing the number of applicants in Band A by the number of admission offers in Band A, i.e. number of applicants competing for one place.

[7] The first-year intakes planned by the institutions are subject to change.

[8] The number of offers from Band A in the last academic year. The figure in the brackets is the percentage of offers from Band A.

[9] The principles of selecting subjects for score calculation include:

  • 3C+2X: 3 core subjects (Chinese, English, Maths) + two elective subjects (may have specific elective subjects)
  • 4C+1X: 4 core subjects + one elective subject
  • 4C+2X: 4 core subjects + two elective subjects (may have specific elective subject)
  • Best 4: the best 4 subjects (may have specific subjects)
  • Best 5: the best 5 subjects (may have specific subjects)
  • Best 6: the best 6 subjects (may have specific subjects)
  • CE+3X: Chinese + English + 3 best subjects
Some of the subjects will be specially handled as indicated by following symbols:
  • Subjects that must be included
  • Subjects that can be included
  • Heavier weighting

[10] Because of the competitiveness of post-secondary places, a candidate who just attained the minimum entrance requirement may not be successful to get an offer. Please refer to the official websites for the details of entrance requirements.

[#] If the institution does not disclose the median of the admission scores, average scores will be used instead.

No admission score is provided by the institution. The Admission Score Index is estimated by BigExam.HK for reference only.

Mathematics Extended Part, module 1 or module 2, will be considered as elective subject or preferred subject.

The Category B, Applied Learning Subjects, will be considered as unspecified elective subjects, or useful for admission application. Some programmes specify the Category B subjects as preference. Please refer to the official websites for the details.

The Category C, Other Language subjects, will be considered as unspecified elective subjects, or useful for admission application. Please refer to the official websites for the details.

Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors

The eligible programme for the “Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong”

Offer chance: Slim
Offer chance: Little
Offer chance: Try it out
Offer chance: Medium
Offer chance: High
Offer chance: Strong

{{pager.tItems}} programmes are found according to your specified filter conditions, and listed below: