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Information and Communication Technology: HKDSE Category A subject
Curriculum framework
Suggested lesson time
Select {{p.choices}} out of {{p.items.length}}
Select {{i.choices}} out of {{i.items.length}}
Select {{p.choices}} out of {{p.items.length}}
In the HKDSE of {{year}}:
{{subj.sat}} candidates sat the exam of {{subj.name}}, i.e. {{subj.pc}} of all the sat candidates. {{subj.passR}} of the candidates obtained the result of Level {{subj.pass}} or above. {{subj.chin}} of the candidates chose Chinese version.{{subj.ent}} candidates entered the exam of {{subj.name}}, i.e. {{subj.pc}} of all the candidates. {{subj.priv}} of them are private candidates.
The secondary schools offering subject related to “{{subj}}”
According to the information of {{ttlSchs}} schools (including government, aided, DSS and caput) provided by the Secondary School Profiles, {{schs}} of the schools offer the senior secondary curriculum related to {{subj}}. These schools and their media of instruction are listed below:
No schools meet the filter conditions.
Showing schools {{pager.frItem}} to {{pager.toItem}} of {{pager.tItems}}.
The information for the {{yr}}‒{{yr+1}} school yr is not provided by the school.
{{s.name}}: ChineseEnglishBy class or group
Junior: ChineseEnglishBy class or group
The information of medium of instruction is based on English version of the Secondary School Profiles (SSP) and for reference only. The information in the SSP is entered and vetted by the schools. The subjects provided by the schools may not be HKDSE curriculum. Please contact the schools for the details.
When applying the following programmes, “{{topic}}” is considered as specific elective subject or preferred subject. To search more, please visit: HKDSE - JUPAS Programme Search
Showing programmes {{pager.frItem}} to {{pager.toItem}} of {{pager.tItems}}