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San Wui Commercial Soc. Chan Pak Sha School: uses Chinese and English as media of instruction in similar weighting. It is a Aided, Co-ed secondary school located at Southern. It is estimated as Band 2C.(Medium accuracy)[1]
“{{schName}}” uses Chinese and English as medium of instruction in similar weighting. Its Sino-Anglo Index in the school year of {{year}}‒{{year+1}} is “{{sai}}”.
For easy reference to the MOI policy of “{{schName}}”, we made use the information from the Secondary School Profiles, summarizing the MOI of each senior secondary subject, to calculate a "Sino-Anglo Index" for this school. This index reflects the weightings of Chinese and English as MOI of the school. The MOI used for each subject in the school will directly affect the language to be used when the students sit the HKDSE.
The MOI of each senior secondary subject related to HKDSE is listed below. To know more, please visit: Secondary School Profiles
[1]“Band” originally refers to the 3 bands into which the primary 6 pupils are divided by the EDB according to the academic performance for Secondary School Places Allocation. The most outperforming pupils are put into Band 1. Later, many parents would like to classify the secondary schools by using their HKDSE performance and the admission rate to the universities. Each band is then further divided into A, B and C for the top, middle and bottom of a band respectively. Therefore, banding of a school is no official information. We collected from the schools the official information about performance in HKDSE and pathways of the students, for doing analysis and statistics to evaluate the banding of each school as a reference. The scores obtained from the evaluation are used for determining the school ranking. More detailed the information disclosed by the schools, higher accuracy is the banding estimate. For those schools that do not disclose such information, banding estimation may include subjective factors. Moreover, there are differences in the performance of the students of every cohort. We do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of banding estimation. To know more, please visit: Details of school banding and ranking
[2]“Sino-Anglo Index” reflects the weightings of Chinese and English as MOI of a school. It is calculated from the MOI of each senior secondary subject, weighted by the number of candidates of that subject in HKDSE. The subjects using Chinese or English as MOI by class or by group are considered as half a subject. Chinese Language, English Language and Other Language Subjects are purged in the calculation. The MOI used by a school has no direct relationship with the academic performance of the students in that school. To know more, please visit: Sino-Anglo Index
[3]The information of medium of instruction is based on English version of the Secondary School Profiles (SSP) and for reference only. The information in the SSP is entered and vetted by the schools. The subjects provided by the schools may not be HKDSE curriculum. Please contact the schools for the details.