HKDSE - 2025 JUPAS Programme JS1001

City University of Hong Kong
BBA Global Business (Features: 3 Exchanges/Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program with Columbia University (US)/Overseas Summer School & Study Tour/Business Consultancy Project/Scholarship and Sponsorship)
工商管理學士(環球商業) (特點: 三次海外交流 / 美國哥倫比亞大學雙聯學士學位 / 海外暑期及遊學課程 / 商業諮詢課程 / 獎學金及資助)
To search for other JUPAS programmes, please visit: HKDSE - JUPAS Programme Search

Application and offer statistics

Application statistics
Offer Statistics
Band A Competition Ratio

Scoring scheme

Admission Score Index [#]

Previous Admission Score Index

Min. Entrance Requirements

Core subjects

[^] “Offer chance” indicates the possibility of obtaining an offer from the JUPAS programme. It is estimated by calculating the score from the exam results entered in “My HKDSE”, according to the scoring system and subject weightings of the programme, and comparing with the admission scores in the past years. More the star symbols, higher is the possibility of obtaining an offer. The highest possibility is indicated by 5 stars. Interview, test and other non-academic performances are not considered in the estimation. The estimated possibilities are for reference only, and are regardless of the actual offer results. We do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the offer possibility estimation. To know more, please visit: Algorithm for inferring the offer chances of JUPAS programmes

[#] Because of the differences of scoring methods of the programmes, e.g. number of subjects and weightings, the admission scores of different programmes are not comparable. We normalised the admission scores disclosed by the institutions as “Admission Score Index” with the differences of scoring methods eliminated so that the admission scores of the programmes can be easily compared. The maximum value of the index is 7. It can be interpreted as the average points of the counted subjects. Note that the index is a generalised representation of the admission scores. The respective programmes may specify required results of the specified HKDSE subjects. Moreover, HKDSE result is not the sole factor affecting whether the application is successful or not. Competitiveness of the programmes, performance at interviews or test, order of JUPAS programme choices, candidates’ Student Learning Profile, other non-academic achievements, etc. are also important factors. Some programmes have no Admission Score Index because they are firstly offered and hence no admission scores of the past years; or the institutions do not disclose the admission scores.

Offer chance: Slim
Offer chance: Little
Offer chance: Try it out
Offer chance: Medium
Offer chance: High
Offer chance: Strong

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